For the second consecutive time, Greece has been elected to the top spot of the Council of IMO, the International Maritime Organization. Greece secured the first place with 146 in 162 valid votes in Category “A” of the IMO Council, a global recognition of the reliability of Greece, which counts itself among the founding countries since 1958 as a provider of quality maritime services.
Category “A” is reserved for countries with the greatest stakes in the supply of maritime transport services. The successful outcome of the vote, held in the framework of the 33rd Assembly of the Organization, is due to the combined efforts of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
As Greece has been one of IMO’s founding members since 1958 (with the exception of 1977) it is consistently elected in the “A” category due to the size of its merchant fleet. Recognizing the role of the IMO in regulating all matters relating to international shipping, Greece actively participates in the formation of maritime legislation with a constant presence in the work of the committees – subcommittees of the Organization, submitting proposals that regulate maritime activity in a realist manner. The purpose of the proposed regulations is their universal validity for all ships, regardless of flag (flag neutral) in addition to ensuring a level playing field.

On the occasion of Greece’s re-election to the “A” category of the IMO Council, Christos Stylianidis, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, stated that “The re-election of Greece to the first place in the IMO “A” category for the second consecutive time is an extremely important achievement of our country at a critical and difficult time for international shipping. It confirms in the most emphatic way Greece’s trustworthiness and reliability, as well as our country’s excellent cooperation with the Organization and its member states. At the same time, it seals Greece’s dynamic and leading role in world maritime transport, as well as its decisive and long-term contribution to the formation of international maritime policy and legislation, through the submission of pragmatic and realistic proposals and our continuous engagement and active presence in the work of the Committees – Subcommittees of the body. I express my heartfelt thanks to the IMO Member States who have honored us with their trust and vote. Greece, with a high sense of responsibility, will continue to play a leading role and support dynamically and constructively the implementation of IMO’s goals for safe, energy efficient, “green” and sustainable international shipping […].

The election process to appoint the 40 IMO Council members for the 2024 term was held on Friday, December 1, 2023. Elected in Category “A” were, in order of election: Greece, Italy, Japan, China, Norway, Panama, Dem. of Korea, United Kingdom, United States, and Liberia. The IMO Assembly is held every two years and is the supreme body of the Organization.
As a specialized agency of the United Nations, IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. As such, the Organization contributes to international action to address climate change by regulating GHG emissions from international shipping. In other words, it aims to create a level playing field so that ship operators can address their problems without compromising safety, security and environmental performance. This approach also encourages innovation and efficiency.
IMO measures cover all aspects of international shipping – including ship design, construction, equipment, manning, operation and disposal – to ensure that this vital sector for remains safe, environmentally sound, energy efficient and secure.
Source: Press release of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy