Travel blogging may be a fairly new profession but it’s definitely the next big thing in travel. Travelers love to hear about authentic experiences with fresh perspectives and unique voices that go beyond traditional media.
Travel Bloggers Greece (TBG) is the first blogger networking group established in Greece, aiming at connecting bloggers, writers and photographers, who believe in publishing quality content about their Greek travel experiences. Its members are Greeks and expats who live in Greece and cover Greece as a travel destination in various languages.
TBG works with Greece-based businesses to help promote authentic travel and increased awareness of Greek travel destinations. Each member has their own unique blog and they have met the TBG membership requirements criteria. The goal is to heighten the level of awareness about the importance of travel blogging in Greece.
TBG members include, among others: XpatAthens, providing information, resources, services, products and events across the city and beyond; A Greek Adventure, focusing on adventure, extreme sports and ecotourism activities in Greece; Life Beyond Borders, an adventure travel and lifestyle blog; Family goes out, focusing on family activities and holidays in Greece; Living Postcards, a global platform with the goal to show abroad all the “good things Greece has to offer in the middle of the crisis”; Meet Culture, an cultural exchange platform, promoting cultural travel in Greece, along with Greek/Chinese art & handicrafts inheritance; myGreecemytravels, a creative outlet to share travel stories, cultural insights and photography; Passion for Greece, a social travel platform with emphasis on the visual trend; Photography Traveler, a travel around Greece through the art of photography; travelpassionate, aiming to show the travelers how to experience Greece like locals and many more.
TBG participated in the first Travel Bloggers Exchange (TBEX) Asia 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand, on October 15-17, almost a year after the TBEX Europe 2014 event was held in Athens. “Events such as TBEX are a great opportunity to gain new insights on the latest travel blogging trends, learn new practices and to connect with professionals from around the world, said Elena Sergeeva, co-founder of TBG.
TBG members have attended several familiarization trips since the professional networking group was established at the start of 2015. The social media posts, travel writing and travel photography that has been shared online as a result of each sponsored trip and event has beyond doubt helped to promote tourism in Greece.