Category: Reading Greece

Reading Greece
Reading Greece6 days ago
Historians have been slow to recognise the key role of the Greek uprising in 1821, and the international recognition of #Greece as a sovereign, independent state nine years later, in 1830, in this process that did so much to shape the geopolitics of the European continent, and indeed of much of the world.

"The Greek #Revolution of 1821 and its Global Significance" by Roderick Beaton sets out to explain what happened during these nine years to bring about such far-reaching (and surely unanticipated) consequences, and why the full significance of these events is only now coming to be appreciated, two hundred years later.

The true significance of the events taking place around them was perhaps most accurately divined by those British poets who stand out among the philhellenic movement, Shelley and Byron. In a passage deleted by his publisher from the Preface of "Hellas", written in the autumn of 1821, that remained unpublished until 1892, Shelley wrote: “This is the age of the war of the oppressed against the oppressors [… . A ] new race has arisen throughout Europe, nursed in the abhorrence of the opinions which are its chains, and she will continue to produce fresh generations to accomplish that destiny which tyrants foresee and dread”. Ιndeed, as Byron foresaw, what was being achieved by the Greek revolutionaries was to create an entirely new kind of political state that in the future would be emulated throughout the continent.

Aiora Books
Εκδόσεις Αιώρα
Reading Greece
Reading Greece7 days ago
📌The Greek War of Independence inspired many to take up arms and join the struggle. It also captured the hearts and minds of artists and #writers at that time and continues to inspire them to the present day. Works by Dionysios Solomos, Lord Byron, Nikos Kazantzakis, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and surprisingly Jules Verne, hymn the struggle of Greeks for independence after centuries of Ottoman rule.

To learn more, have a look at:

👉Poem of the Month: ‘Hymn to Liberty’ by Dionysios Solomos

👉Poem of the Month: “The Free Besieged” by Dionysios Solomos

👉Poem of the Month: “On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year” by Lord Byron

👉Poem of the Month: “Riga’s Last Song” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

👉Book of the Month: “The Archipelago on Fire” by Jules Verne

👉Book of the Month: “Freedom and Death” by Nikos Kazantzakis
Reading Greece
Reading Greece1 week ago
📕New Greek-to-Latin Transliteration Service by the National Library of Greece 📘

🏛️ The Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος - National Library of Greece is pleased to announce the launch of a new digital service for Greek-to-Latin character transliteration.

🔹 Why is this service important? The transliteration of Greek names and phrases into Latin characters is essential for bibliographic management, information retrieval, and ensuring international metadata interoperability.

📌 How does it work? Through this new online application, catalogers, researchers, academics, and anyone interested can easily and quickly transliterate names and phrases from Modern or Ancient Greek into Latin characters, following internationally recognized standards: ✔ ISO 843:1997 ✔ ALA-LC Romanization Table for Greek.

💡 Free & Open Access The service is completely free and accessible via 👉
With this initiative, the National Library of Greece strengthens the dissemination and preservation of the Greek language, providing a valuable tool that facilitates access to and exchange of bibliographic and cultural data on an international level.

📢 Try the new service and share it with your community!