Alexis Akrithakis, La Grèce Originale, 1967

Exhibitions dedicated to the 50 years from the Restoration of Democracy

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Restoration of Democracy in Greece, two important exhibitions on democracy are being held in Greece. The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum is organizing and hosting a new, topical exhibition titled “Democracy”, which traces the relationship between art and political history in Southern Europe. Also, the National Library of Greece, the General State Archives and the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation co-organize the exhibition “From Dictatorship to Democracy”. The exhibition presents unique archival documents and rich audiovisual material, concerning the dictatorship and the anti-dictatorship struggle in the first year of the Metapolitefsi period (the period of transition after the fall of the military junta in 1974), with the major institutional changes, and more generally the social and cultural Metapolitefsi up to the early years of the 1980s.

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Digital state, the online portal of the Greek state, which hosts all the digital services of the ministries, agencies, organizations, independent authorities and regions of the state, is constantly evolving. To date, features over 1,833 services, having started with 503 in March 2020. In about 4.5 years nearly 8.5 million unique citizens have visited the portal either to issue a document or to make a declaration or application, pushing the approximate number of documents issued to 290 million. It is the most useful and indispensable tool for citizens to facilitate their daily life and help them in their dealings with the public authorities.

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“Greece is changing and awaits your return”

Find out about the current developments in the economic, regulatory and social framework of Greece, as well as the repatriation opportunities created for Greeks abroad, in the new study Greece Country Highlights, titled “Greece is changing and awaits your return”. The study includes extensive analysis and data on a wide range of issues including the labor market, investment opportunities, social security and legislative changes, as well as economic, social and political developments in Greece, providing a comprehensive tool for Greek expatriates considering moving back to Greece.

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The Petrified Forest of Lesvos: a unique natural monument

Petrified trunks, scattered over an area of 150 square kilometres surrounded by the settlements of Sigri, Eressos and Antissa in western Lesvos, provide the most impressive evidence of the “cosmogony” that marked the geological history of the Aegean basin 20 million years ago. Intense volcanic eruptions resulted in the ejection of a huge amount of ash, which in a short period of time covered the area where the Petrified Forest is located today. Visit the 4 Parks of the Petrified Forest of Lesvos and live a unique experience: the Sigri Park, the Plaka Park, the Bali-Alonia Park, and the Nissiopi Marine Park, the first marine fossil park in Greece, which includes the Nisiopi Island and the surrounding marine area.

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