New findings from the Antikythera wreck

Numerous findings have emerged from the 2024 excavations at the Antikythera wreck. The expedition took place between May 17 and June 20, as part of the 2021-2025 research program implemented by the Swiss Archaeological School in Greece and supervised by the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities of the Ministry of Culture. The remarkably good weather conditions allowed the team to make significant progress in the fieldwork. Among the new finds, of exceptional importance is the discovery of a significant part of the ship’s hull.

Browse the new finds: and learn more about the “Return to Antikythera” project:

Three awards for the Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

For the second consecutive year, the Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is distinguished for its outstanding contribution to education and innovation, receiving two Gold and one Platinum award at the Educational Leaders Awards 2024. Specifically, the Medical Physics and Digital Innovation Laboratory of AUTH received a double Gold and Platinum Award, in the category “Link with Society in Public Higher Education”, titled “Lifelong Researchers for Cancer”. Gold Award was also received for the innovative practices of Lifelong Education of Students and Health Professionals.

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Repatriation of Greek antiquities

Two marble Attic funerary vases -a lekythos and a loutrophoros– of the 4th century BC, have been returned to Athens, after the successful outcome of a years-long claim by the Greek State. Marble lekythoi and loutrophoroi appear from the late 5th and throughout the 4th century BC in ancient Attic cemeteries, as grave markers, set up in family burial plots. They are the exclusive products of the Attic marble carving workshops.

Both vases returned from Basel date from the 4th century BC. Read more:

Meet the 9th Beyond Borders – Castellorizo International Documentary Festival

Exciting films and many premieres from all over the world, enhanced awards to support filmmakers, collaborations, actions and new programs bring the 9th edition of Beyond Borders – Castellorizo International Documentary Festival, August 25 – September 1, 2024. The island of Castellorizo, on the edge of the Aegean Sea, will once again be the beautiful setting that will host internationally acclaimed filmmakers in one of the most special and beloved film festivals in the country!

Watch the trailer of the 9th edition: and read more

“Lesson… as a game”: the awards of the 4th Student Competition

For the fourth consecutive year, teams of students and teachers from schools in Greece and Cyprus participated in the 4th International Student Competition for the creation of Educational Board and Digital Games by the National Centre for Audiovisual and Media (EKOME), creating imaginative board and digital games. With 148 completed games, of which 104 were board games and 44 digital games, a record number of entries were received in the competition, while the entry of schools in Cyprus was also impressive this year with 42 entries from schools of all levels. Congratulations to the winning school teams and to all the teams that participated in the competition! Find out about the awarded participants: