The platform epistoliki.ypes.gov.gr is now online
The online platform for registering on the postal vote electoral rolls epistoliki.ypes.gov.gr has been launched. Those registered on the electoral rolls who wish to vote in the European elections of 9 June 2024 by postal vote can register until 29 April 2024. Voters in Greece can access the online application via the link http://epistoliki.ypes.gov.gr and register on the special electoral rolls for postal votes exclusively via taxisnet using their personal codes. Greeks residing abroad can enter the above application and register in one of the following ways:
– Via taxisnet (if they have login codes).
– By submitting the details of their Greek passport and identity card together.
– By submitting the details of their Greek passport and municipal register number in combination.
Alternatively, voters in Greece can register in the special postal voting electoral rolls through the Citizen Service Centers, while voters abroad can contact the competent Greek Consular Authorities (General Consulates, Consulates, Consular Offices of Embassies).
Read more: https://www.greeknewsagenda.gr/greece-postal-voting/ [EN], Οδηγίες πλατφόρμας εκλογέων, Χρήσιμες ερωτήσεις – απαντήσεις για την επιστολική ψήφο: https://www.ypes.gr/epistoliki-ypes-gov-gr-energopoiithike-i-ilektroniki-platforma-tis-epistolikis-psifou-gia-tis-evroekloges-airontai-stin-praxi-ola-ta-praktika-ebodia-gia-tous-ellines-eklogeis/ [GR]

Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece has launched a consultation on the main pillars of the Strategic Plan for Hellenes Abroad 2024-2027. In this Strategic Plan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sets out the vision, strategic objectives and operational initiatives for further strengthening the links between the Greek Diaspora and the metropolitan centre. Through the consultation process, it seeks to co-develop a comprehensive, coherent and modern policy framework. All citizens, institutional and social partners and, especially, expatriates and expatriate organizations from all over the world are invited to participate in the consultation.
Find out more about the Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027 https://www.mfa.gr/images/docs/2024/strategic_plan.pdf. You can submit your comments and suggestions either on the contact form https://www.mfa.gr/strategiko-shedio-gia-apodemo-ellenismo.html or on strategic.diaspora@mfa.gr

Greece-Japan Culture and Tourism Year 2024
2024 has been proclaimed as Greece-Japan Culture and Tourism Year following the meeting between the Greek Prime Minister, Mr. Mitsotakis and the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Kishida, in early 2023. In a cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, and organizations in Japan, our country is planning events across Japan throughout the year, events that will highlight the similarities and differences that bring Greece and Japan together.
Read more: https://www.mfa.gr/missionsabroad/en/japan-en/news2 [EN] & https://www.mfa.gr/missionsabroad/japan/news2 [GR]

Economist: Greece among the 20 most democratic countries in the world
The Economist magazine has ranked Greece in the category of “full democracy” for the first time since 2008 in its annual “Democracy Index” report for 2023. Greece was rated 8.14 out of 10, ranking 20th out of 167 countries and regions examined by the “Intelligence Unit” arm of the Economist. Greece was one of the few democracies that improved their score by 0.17 points compared to 2022. It even scored an absolute 10 in the subcategory on holding elections and pluralism, an achievement shared by only a dozen other countries, and 8.82 in the subcategory on civil liberties.
Read more: https://www.ertnews.gr/eidiseis/ellada/politiki/economist-i-ellada-stis-20-kalyteres-dimokraties-tou-kosmou/ [GR] & https://youtu.be/qUVZ4HpXiJg (video)

University of Athens: A Leap in International Rankings
Very important distinctions for the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) have been revealed by the publication of the results of four prestigious global university rankings, which confirm the international recognition of the NKUA, as well as its leading position not only among Greek universities but also among all universities in South-Eastern Europe. NKUA ranks among the top 100 worldwide rankings, namely:
– In the ranking “Top Universities by Top Google Scholar Citations” it ranked 89th worldwide and 16th in Europe
– In the ranking “NTU Ranking -Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities” in the category of individual scientific disciplines it is in the 89th place in Immunology, and in the 100th place worldwide in Pharmacy – Toxicology
– NKUA’s School of Medicine is ranked in the top 100 Medical Schools Worldwide in the Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects in the scientific field of Clinical Medicine, rising to 76-100 positions
– NKUA’s School of Dentistry is ranked in the top 100 universities worldwide for the fourth time since 2017 in the Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, taking the 76-100 positions in the subject “Dentistry & Oral Sciences”
Get detailed information about the rankings: https://hub.uoa.gr/en/jump-up-in-the-international-rankings-rankings-nkua/

International distinction for Greek scientist
An important international distinction for the Director of the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD) of the National Observatory of Athens, Dr Evangelos Gerasopoulos, as he was selected to participate in a special panel of experts of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the topic “Climate Change and Cities”. The United Nations IPCC will for the first time produce a special report focusing on the impacts of climate change on cities in preparation for its seventh assessment cycle (AR7). IERSD ‘s Director was selected among more than 1,200 nominations from around the world and is the only representative from Greece to take part in the expert panel. Read more: https://www.amna.gr/home/article/797906/Diethnis-diakrisi-gia-ton-dieuthunti-tou-IEPBA-tou-Asteroskopeiou-Athinon—Se-eidiki-epitropi-tou-IPCC [GR]