The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is obligated to comply with the applicable international, EU and national regulatory and legislative framework regarding the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data. In accordance with the General Regulation of Personal Data 2016 / 679 (GDPR) and the specific regulatory framework for its implementation, the purpose of this clause is to inform the user of the website regarding the processing of personal data submitted.

The information provided on this website is subject to the rules for the protection of personal data, disclaimer and copyright notice.

Personal Data Protection

Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs collects personal data of the visitors of the “GREEK NEWS AGENDA” website, only when they themselves, voluntarily provide them, in order to provide the services that are available electronically, as specified in the current national legislation for its organization and operation (Law no. 4781 (Government Gazette AD 31 / 28.02.2021).

The legal framework for processing of personal data is provided in Article 6 par. 1 lit. οf the GDPR (EU) 2016/679 (“consent”).

Specifically, the personal data collected by the “GREEK NEWS AGENDA” website are the following:


For the registration of the visitor in the mailing lists of the Newsletters, the following information is mandatory to be provided:

E-mail address and user name.

The Administrator has the right to maintain records of the recipients’ email addresses only for the purpose of sending Newsletters. The Administrator shall not market or otherwise transmit or disclose to any third parties the WP visitors/users’ personal data not relating to itself without the visitor’s/user’s consent except in compliance with the relevant legal requirements and to the relevant authorities only.

The Administrator may process in whole or in part the data provided by visitors for statistical purposes or in order to improve its services – information offered.

The user may contact the Administrator from time to time in order to verify the existence of his/her personal file or to rectify, modify or delete the same (

Cookies and IP Monitoring:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may collect data for the identification of the website visitor using appropriate technologies such as cookies or/and Internet Protocol (IP) address monitoring. Cookies are small text files stored in the hard disc of each visitor/user that do not have access to any document or file from the computer thereof.

They are used to facilitate the visitor’s/user’s access as regards the use of specific services or/and pages of the website, for statistical purposes and in order to determine areas which are useful or popular.

Such information may also include the type of the browser used by the visitor/user, the computer’s type, its operating system, the Internet service providers and other information of the kind.

Furthermore, the website information system collects automatically information regarding the sites visited by its visitor/user and regarding the links in third-party websites that the same may choose when using the WP.

The website visitor may regulate his/her web browser so that either it warns him/her about the use of cookies in some services or it does not allow acceptance of the use of cookies at all times. In the case the visitor/user of these specific services and pages does not wish the use of cookies for his/her identification then he/she shall not have further access to such services.

This website includes links to other websites that are under the control of third parties (whether natural or legal persons). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs waives any responsibility for the personal data protection policies applied by such websites.

For the provision of the virtual assistance service, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, processes – as the Data Controller – the following personal data, and keeps them for a duration of 24 months:

1. IP address, which is attributed to the device with which the user uses the service.

2. Data of the connection device (operating system, software, browser version, language).

3. The questions submitted by the users to the virtual assistance system as well as the latter’s digital files that users use (pdf, word files).

4. If the service is used through the digital channels of Viber and Facebook Messenger then the name the user has registered in these digital channels and the page scope ID that these channels generate for the send/receive of messages from/to the virtual assistance system are processed as well.

Recipients of personal data

The Administrator preserves the personal character of your data and may not transfer it to any third party (natural or legal person) for any reason with the exception of relevant provisions of the law and to the competent authorities only.

Intention to transfer personal data to a third country or international organization

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not intend to make the users personal data known or transfer it in any means to a third party.

Period of keeping personal data:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains data concerning personal information submitted by visitors of the website for as long as all actions relative to processing this data are concluded.

The visitors’ rights are listed as follows:

Right of access (article 15 of the GDPR – article 33 of the implementing law 4624/2019): Right of correction of the personal data that concern you (article 16 of the GDPR).

Right of deletion (article 17 of the GDPR – article 34 of the implementing law 4624/2019).

Right to restrict processing (Article 18 of the GIP).

Right to object to the processing (article 21 of the GDPR – article 35 of the implementing law 4624/2019).

Right to file a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority (Article 77 of the GDPR).

Security – protection of personal data:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is committed to process any personal data submitted to the website according to the provisions of GDPR (EU) 2016/679 and to be subject to the restrictions set in the above-mentioned regulation.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs undertakes all appropriate technical and organizational measures, necessary for the security of processing of personal data and its protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs implements processes for controlling access to databases and takes measures for the identification and authentication of users of electronic services as well as for the assignment of rights and authorizations to each user at a technical level. The rights of users to access the databases are defined according to their specialized work roles, in order to ensure that the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has access only to absolutely necessary personal data based on the responsibilities and tasks assigned to them. Any physical file is kept under the responsibility of the employees of the competent organizational unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the context of the current legislative and regulatory framework, may review the policy regarding the protection of personal data and adapt the information provided to the interested parties, which will always be available at www.

Minor consent

The processing of personal data of a minor is legal, as long as the minor has reached the age of 15 and provides his consent, when services of the website are directly offered to him / her. If the minor is under 15 years of age, the processing of paragraph 1 is legal only after obtaining the consent of his / her legal representative. In case of submission of such data by minors, the Administrator deletes the relevant information.

Links to other sites

This website includes links to other websites, which are not controlled by the Administrator of “Greek News Agenda” but by third parties (natural or legal persons). Under no circumstances, the Administrator of the website is responsible for the Terms of Protection of the Personal Data that they follow.

Statement of non-support

This node of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to provide news, interviews and insight on the country’s cultural, educational and economic landscape to the general public and to journalists in Greece and abroad, to showcase modern Greek history and language and to highlight the country’s comparative advantages.

 To support this goal, the node includes information and references to websites of organizations that are specifically or generally related to the cultural, economic and education sectors and provides information and references activities of these organizations as well as natural or legal persons, as well as interviews with academics, public intellectuals and policy makers.

The Ministry states that this information and references do not constitute a projection or advertisement of the specific bodies, legal and natural persons, nor do they imply the “approval” of the Ministry but are part of the information material; furthermore, the opinions and thoughts expressed in interviews reflect only the interviewees’ views and do not necessary reflect an official position of the Ministry nor to they imply the “approval” of the Ministry.


The purpose of this website is to provide news, interviews and insight on the country’s cultural, educational and economic landscape to the general public and to journalists in Greece and abroad, to showcase modern Greek history and language and to highlight the country’s comparative advantages.

The Ministry undertakes every effort to ensure the validity as well as the accuracy of the data; however, it does not bear any responsibility for its content.

The visitor is requested to check the content of the specific pages for possible changes. The continued use of the pages of the website even after any changes, means the unconditional acceptance by the visitor of these terms.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances, including the case of negligence, the Administrator is responsible for any kind of damage inflicted to the visitor / user services, options and contents of the website which he/she navigates on his own/her initiative and with the knowledge of the present terms. The contents of the website are provided “as is” without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the full extent and in accordance with the law, the Administrator denies all warranties expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those which imply marketability and suitability for a particular purpose.

The Administrator does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. Moreover, the Administrator does not guarantee that the same or any other related website or the servers, through which they are made available to the user, are provided without “viruses” or other harmful components. The Administrator does not guarantee in any case the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor and in no case the Administrator.

If you have found any use of material reproduced by the node which is inconsistent with the terms set forth on this page, please let us know at

Applicable law and other terms

The above terms and conditions of use of the website, as well as any modification, change or alteration are governed and supplemented by Greek law, European Union law and relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms that is deemed contrary to law, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed, without affecting in any way the validity of the other terms.

 This constitutes the entire agreement between the Administrator of the website and the visitor / user of its pages and services and binds only them. No modification of these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement unless it has been formulated in writing and incorporated into it.

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright)

All information contained in the node of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is available to visitors of the node for personal use and is subject to change without notice.

Its use and reproduction is allowed, in whole, in part or in summary, provided that the reproduced product is freely available on the Internet and that there is a clear and distinct reference to the source. Any other use requires the written permission of the copyright owner or holder.

The material mentioned in the web pages of this node that refers to other respective organizations, companies, partners, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.

For any question regarding the reproduction rights of any material of the node, as well as for applications for approval of reproduction of material, you can contact