GR-eco Islands: Smart and Sustainable Greek Islands

In the battle against climate change, Greece has formed an ambitious plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Towards this goal, in 2019, the Greek government launched the GR-eco islands initiative, with the aim to transform the Greek islands into innovation hubs and models of green economy, energy autonomy, digital innovation and ecological mobility.

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Greek Consular Services Process Transformation

ays ago, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the invitation of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Giorgos Kotsiras, successfully hosted a conference to unveil the project “Consular Services Process Transformation”.

It is an initiative that seeks to redesign and digitize services provided by the Greek Consular Authorities worldwide, thereby enhancing their communication with Greek nationals residing abroad and providing faster and more efficient services.

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Greece’s renewable energy landscape

Greece has enacted an impressive array of measures to support its ambitious climate goals while maintaining energy security. Fossil fuel reduction and its replacement with RES, mainly with solar and wind energy, is one of Greece’s top priorities, aided by the country’s geographical position, geological territory and climate.

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Greek News Agenda
Greek News Agenda1 day ago
On March 25, Greece celebrates its national holiday, commemorating the declaration of the Greek War of Independence.
On this occasion, GNA pays tribute to foreign artists of the time who were inspired by those dramatic events.
Greek News Agenda
Greek News Agenda4 days ago
📢 A Must-See Exhibition: The Antikythera Shipwreck at the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation! ⚓✨

For the first time, over 80 artifacts from the legendary Antikythera Shipwreck are on display in the most comprehensive temporary exhibition to date! 🏺🔱

🔍 Explore the ship’s equipment, cargo, and the lives of its passengers. From bronze rings used to manage sails to fragments of marble and bronze statues, including the impressive marble head of Hercules.

📍 Where? Ίδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη, Piraeus
📅 When? Exhibition with guided tours & educational workshops until March 30

🔎 Visit to uncover the mysteries of this 124-year-old underwater treasure where the world-famous Antikythera Mechanism was found! 🌊

#antikytherashipwreck #underwaterarchaeology
Greek News Agenda
Greek News Agenda5 days ago
A Neolithic Centaur from Thessaly at the National Archaeological Museum reflects man’s struggle against the wild elements of nature. The Centaurs, half human, half horse, are among the strangest creatures created by the ancient Greek imagination - an artistic legacy popular in Art throughout centuries.