Aylon Lyceum opens its gates

Aylon Lyceum is a new cultural space which opens its gates to the public in November; its first exhibition, “Democracy and Eudemonia”, invites visitors to explore Greek philosophical thinking and the ways to live well in a state, through an interactive experience where each exhibit is also a challenge.

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A trip around the world with Greek 3rd generation photovoltaics

Panagiotis Zafeiriadis has set out on a bike ride around the world; since he is usually camping in the wild, securing energy self-sufficiency in a sustainable way is of great importance – and an ideal way to do that is to use third-generation photovoltaics. These have been furnished by a Greek company with innovative products.

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Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology

The Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology in the heart of Athens offers visitors the opportunity to discover two very interesting aspects of ancient Greek culture through its permanent exhibitions “Ancient Greece – The Origins of Technology” and “Musical Instruments and Toys of Ancient Greece”.

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Greek News Agenda
Greek News Agenda15 hours ago
Ertflix International honors Greece’s national holiday on March 25th with a special tribute featuring outstanding Greek cinema films, series, and programs from the ERT Archive, as well as the commemorative concert “Hymn to Liberty”, performed by the ERT National Symphony Orchestra.

For more info (in Greek and English): https://press.ert.gr/grafeio-typou-ert/ertflix-international-afieroma-stin-epeteio-tis-25is-martioy/

Direct link to the tribute: https://www.ertflix.gr/list?pageCodename=mainpage&backUrl=/§ionCodename=1821
Greek News Agenda
Greek News Agenda2 days ago
On March 25, Greece celebrates its national holiday, commemorating the declaration of the Greek War of Independence.
On this occasion, GNA pays tribute to foreign artists of the time who were inspired by those dramatic events.
Greek News Agenda
Greek News Agenda5 days ago
📢 A Must-See Exhibition: The Antikythera Shipwreck at the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation! ⚓✨

For the first time, over 80 artifacts from the legendary Antikythera Shipwreck are on display in the most comprehensive temporary exhibition to date! 🏺🔱

🔍 Explore the ship’s equipment, cargo, and the lives of its passengers. From bronze rings used to manage sails to fragments of marble and bronze statues, including the impressive marble head of Hercules.

📍 Where? Ίδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη, Piraeus
📅 When? Exhibition with guided tours & educational workshops until March 30

🔎 Visit to uncover the mysteries of this 124-year-old underwater treasure where the world-famous Antikythera Mechanism was found! 🌊

#antikytherashipwreck #underwaterarchaeology